Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.
Founded in 2013, GSBTB is the first and the largest project platform and network that makes social engagement and neighbourhood work accessible to the large non-German speaking population of Berlin.
GSBTB runs an accessible online platform to inspire and mobilise Berlin's migrant community to create social impact and foster integration. They facilitate a diverse range of opportunities for social engagement and participation across Berlin. Plus this organisation created a tool for community integration that brings together more “privileged” migrants, German locals and more vulnerable migrants such as refugees. Our intercultural volunteering is positive, lived “think global, act local” work, showcasing that everyone has something to share with others regardless of their passport, status, language skills or how long they may have been in the country.
By building partnerships, relationships and dialogues between people from the comparatively cosmopolitan art, creative and start-up scene with local NGO’s and projects, we are also creating a new form of sustainable urban integration. We enable disadvantaged local groups to profit more from the globalised creative, tech and start-up industries settling in the city.
Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.
Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.
Give Something Back To Berlin e.V. is an initiative to connect new Berliners with social organisations and making it easier to give something back to a city we love.
Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.
Give Something Back To Berlin e.V.
Annamaria Olsson
Lenaustraße 4 c/o Sharehouse Refugio
Berlin 12047Germany