BookboXX Europe
The concept of the BookboXX emerged over four years step by step. Towards the end of the UNESCO Decade for Sustainabiliy Education (DESD) 15 BookboXXes are actually installed. Two of them were built in co-operation with French partners. The involvement of youth and apprentice caused a lot of enthusiasm and many positive learning experiences.The learning field of BookboXX Europe covers the diversity of European literature up to such questions as: „Why should I go to elections?“ and „Why should Europe become sustainable?“ Presently the BoXX is located in front of the House of the Trade union of Education and of the Trade union of Education and Science (GEW) in Berlin.
The BookboXX is an endeavour, which contributes to vocational training. Students from different fields and locations of learning contribute by transforming out-dated telephone-boxes into community-building local public book exchanges. In this process they acquire competencies which support sustainable longrange, big-picture strategies and goals for their work and in everyday life. Additionally cultur and political are taken into consideration, as well as the participatory inclusion of future.
The BookboXX was awarded twice the honor of being an official project of the UN-Decade of education for sustainability. The professional education schools and institutions and regional partners took pride and benefitted from this sustainable development.
The “Sustainable BookboXX” was developed by the Institute for Sustainability in Education, Work and Culture as a vocational education project in 2010. It exemplifies how the model of sustainable development can be implemented in vocational training and also in civil society. The basic concept has a variety of social, ecological, cultural and civil society reference points and effects. In the meantime, a network of more than 150 players around BücherboXX has been established in Berlin alone.
14B Trabener Straße
Berlin 14193Germany